Why Is My Heat Pump Buzzing?

Get The Buzz On Your Heat Pump Noise

Heat pumps are known for making all kinds of interesting sounds. Some are normal, some are strange and some are downright scary. You’re probably in tune with your unit’s normal noises, but when it takes on a life of its own and serenades you at full blast, you might be wondering, “Why is my heat pump buzzing?” Read on for some descriptions of common noises and what they mean for your Lucia home’s HVAC system.


A buzzing sound indicates that something is stuck or unable to run. You’ll need to get this fixed because the motor is at risk for overheating.

Popping Corn

This distinct sound signals that the compressor is receiving liquid refrigerant. The cause will need to be determined by a qualified technician before it can be repaired.


A high-pitched squeal could be in your heat pump’s repertoire of normal noises, but if you hear an unusual squeal it could be and early warning sign of a motor that is beginning to fail.


A loud banging sound that sounds like it is coming from metal parts usually means you have worn out compressor bearings. It could also indicate that the motor mounts are working themselves loose.


If your unit is making a hissing sound, it most likely has a refrigerant leak. Fix it soon, or you will have a non-functioning heat pump.


This falls in the category of “scary” noises and indicates a dangerous situation. Shut the unit down and call an HVAC professional for help.

Labored Moaning

No, your heat pump is not about to give birth. A loud, low-pitched sound indicates the level of oil or refrigerant is improper, or the compressor is uttering its death song.

Any noise that is out of the ordinary should be checked out as soon as possible. Standing around and wondering why your heat pump is buzzing won’t make the noise stop. Get your heat pumped checked by a Lucia, NC heating professional so you can stay cozy in your home.

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