Need Help with Your Commercial Building’s IAQ?

Maintaining good indoor air quality for your commercial buildings can ensure the safest, healthiest and most appealing environment for your business in Charlotte, NC. The right indoor air quality services can make a big difference in the impression you make on customers, colleagues and vendors in the commercial marketplace.

What Affects Indoor Air Quality in Commercial Buildings?

The U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has identified a number of factors that affect indoor air quality, including the following:

  • Humidity levels inside your commercial properties
  • Hazardous materials and chemicals, including radon, asbestos and volatile organic compounds
  • Lack of proper ventilation
  • Use of pesticides or smoking tobacco in indoor areas
  • Failing to perform routine HVAC maintenance
  • Dust from remodeling or renovation projects

Following OSHA guidelines and investing in indoor air quality services can allow you to correct issues with air quality for commercial buildings in Denver, North Carolina and all the surrounding areas.

Risks of Poor Indoor Air Quality

According to the Environmental Protection Agency, some of the most common health risks associated with poor indoor air quality include headaches, fatigue, respiratory distress and irritation of the nasal tissues, eyes and throat. Prolonged exposure can significantly increase the risk of heart disease and certain forms of cancer.

How Can You Improve Indoor Air Quality?

Working with commercial HVAC experts to install the right indoor air quality solutions can help you maintain a healthier environment for workers, customers and tenants in your commercial properties. Indoor air quality services may include ventilation solutions, dehumidifiers and humidifiers, duct cleaning services and filtration options that can eliminate many common pollutants in your indoor spaces.

The commercial HVAC experts at Lakeside Heating & Air Conditioning can provide you with practical solutions for all your indoor air quality needs. Our team serves the greater Charlotte and the Lake Norman area in North Carolina. To learn more about our lineup of indoor air quality services, give our team a call today to schedule an appointment with us. We look forward to the opportunity to serve you.

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