A Humidifier Can Help Rid Your Home of Dry Air
During the winter, we depend on heating to make our Davidson, NC homes and businesses comfortable. However, winter air is usually dry and is made even dryer by heat. When indoor humidity levels are low, it affects indoor air quality. It also affects your health, causing your skin, sinuses, and respiratory tract to become dry. Dry air soaks up moisture from objects, including the building shell, furniture, and your skin. Low humidity also allows dust to become airborne. Experts recommend using a humidifier to keep humidity levels between 30 and 50 percent for comfort and health. There are ways to increase humidity and feel comfortable during the winter.
What Is Humidity?
Humidity refers to the amount of moisture in the air. Relative humidity describes the amount of water vapor in the air compared to how much moisture the air could hold at a particular temperature. Warm air holds more moisture than cold air, which is why winter air feels dryer than summer air. Changes in humidity affect how hot or cold people feel. When the air temperature is 75 degrees F and humidity is low, the air feels several degrees colder. If the humidity is high, the air feels several degrees warmer.
Regulating Indoor Humidity
During the winter, increasing humidity increases comfort. The easiest way to add moisture to your home is to use a humidifier. Stand-alone units disperse moisture into a single room. Whole-house units work with your heating, ventilation, and air conditioning system to regulate humidity throughout the building.
A certified HVAC contractor can evaluate the humidity levels in your home and suggest ways to keep humidity within recommended levels. A properly sized, installed and calibrated HVAC unit plays a major role in regulating humidity. However, using humidification equipment during dry winter months and dehumidification equipment during humid summer months is often required when heating and cooling equipment cannot keep up. In addition, new generation thermostats that sense humidity and temperature work with your HVAC system to keep your indoors comfortable.
Lakeside Heating & Air Conditioning installs, repairs, and maintains all brands of HVAC equipment. Our indoor air quality audits evaluate the indoor air of your home or business. Our NATE-certified technicians offer solutions that keep humidity and temperature at comfortable levels. For more information about humidifiers, call the trusted professionals at (704) 285-1070.
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