Why Consider Upgrading to a New Furnace Installation?
According to the U.S. Department of Energy, heating your home typically costs more and uses more energy than any other part of your home. This adds up to an average of 42% of your utility bills. Upgrading to a new system can often provide Denver, North Carolina homeowners with some real benefits. Here are some of the most important reasons to consider a new furnace installation this year.
Improving Energy Efficiency
ENERGY STAR recommends replacing your furnace if it is more than 15 years old. Heat pumps should typically be replaced at about the 10-year mark for optimal cost-efficiency. Working with a professional heating company will typically provide you with the best and most practical options for upgrading your furnace and ensuring the greatest degree of energy efficiency in the state of North Carolina.
Protecting Indoor Air Quality
A new furnace installation can also reduce the dust and particulates that reach your indoor air. This can significantly improve your indoor air quality by allowing you to use more effective filters to trap and remove particles that could affect your respiratory health. A newer furnace can usually handle the increased air flow required for the use of high-efficiency filters when heating your Denver, North Carolina, home.
Managing Your Expenses
A new furnace will not only cut down on your repair visits but will also lower your cost for heating your home. Along with regular maintenance, upgrading to a new furnace from a professional heating company will allow you to enjoy more consistent expenses while ensuring that you and your family are comfortable at home throughout the year.
At Lakeside Heating & Air Conditioning, we offer comprehensive help in helping you stay comfortable in the Greater Lake Norman area. Our team is committed to the highest standards of excellence in the HVAC industry. To request more information about our new furnace installation options, give us a call today at (704) 285-1070. We look forward to the opportunity to serve you.
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