Variable-Speed AC Systems Offer Incredible Efficiency

Homeowners in Denver, NC, and the Greater Lake Norman Area love saving money on heating and cooling costs. Variable-speed AC systems take air conditioning to another level. When exceptional energy efficiency partners with superior indoor comfort, it’s a recipe for happy homeowners.

What Makes Variable-Speed AC Systems So Efficient?

The speed of the unit indicates how much cooling power the compressor can deliver. Variable-speed AC technology costs considerably less to operate than single-speed and two-speed air conditioners.

Variable-speed systems can deliver cooling power in increments from 1% to 100%. By making constant, real-time adjustments to output, variable-speed systems can maintain the thermostat setting precisely at all times with no hot spots, no cold spots, and almost no deviation in temperature.

How Much Can I Save?

A variable-speed system might use 15% less energy than a single-speed system, thereby saving you 15% on your power bill. On a hot day in August, for example, a variable-speed AC might run at 100% capacity. On a warm day in April, it might only run at 30%.

Fringe Benefits

Besides optimizing temperatures for comfort, consistency, and energy efficiency, the three-stage AC system offers even more to be happy about:

  • Cleans indoor air: Three-speed air conditioners have long and slow running cycles. They can filter indoor air many more times per day than other systems, and that helps to maintain high indoor air quality.
  • Reduces humidity: Because a three-stage cooling unit runs most of the time, it can assist the air conditioner with the dehumidification process.
  • Purchases may qualify for discounts from utility companies, HVAC dealerships, and government agencies: The incentives are available for homeowners who purchase energy-efficient products like variable-speed AC systems.

Call the heating and cooling experts at Lakeside Heating & Air Conditioning for professional installation services. Visit us online to learn more.

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