Signs Your Furnace’s Electronic Ignition May Be Faulty
Winter weather in Denver, NC, means you’ll rely on your heating system to keep your home warm and comfortable. Newer furnaces use electronic ignitions instead of permanent pilot lights, and these ignitions can malfunction. Pay attention to these three signs of a failing furnace ignition.
Furnace Won’t Turn On
The job of a furnace ignition is to create a spark to ignite the gas. A furnace ignition with an electrical problem may not create the spark. If your furnace won’t turn on, check the circuit breaker. Verify the thermostat is set to heat and the temperature setting is several degrees above your home’s current temperature. If you hear a click, but nothing happens after that, this means the ignition didn’t heat the gas. You’ll need to have heating system professionals inspect the heating system.
Cool Air Blowing from Vents
When the furnace ignition doesn’t create a spark, the air handler may still force air through the ducts. You’ll feel cool or room-temperature air blowing from the vents. Double-check the temperature setting on the thermostat. Make sure the furnace filter is clean and no debris is blocking the filter’s housing. A dirty air filter impedes airflow, explains the Department of Energy. If these steps don’t fix the problem, a faulty ignition could be to blame.
A failing furnace ignition may be unable to hold a charge long enough to create a spark. You might hear the furnace start up only to have it turn off a few seconds later. Most furnaces have a safety feature that prevents them from turning on again for at least 60 seconds. A malfunctioning electronic ignition may also cause the furnace to stop in the middle of a heating cycle. It may have tripped the circuit breaker.
For more information about faulty furnace ignitions, take a look at Lakeside Heating & Air Conditioning’s heating services, or contact our heating system professionals today for additional details.
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