3 Reasons to Invest in Duct Cleaning This Spring

Originally Published in March 2018

Spring is right around the corner. That means pollen counts in Denver, North Carolina, will start to increase. But while pollen is a common contaminant that causes allergy symptoms, it isn’t the only threat lurking in your home’s ductwork. With that said, here are three reasons to invest in professional duct cleaning this spring:

Save On Monthly Energy Bills

According to the U.S. Department of Energy, homeowners waste between 25 and 40 percent of the energy they use to cool their homes. Without professional duct cleaning, contaminants can quickly collect in your ductwork and cause your HVAC system to work harder. As a result, it increases your energy bills and shortens your unit’s lifespan.

The first step toward keeping your air ducts clean is to change your HVAC system’s filter every 90 days. If you suffer from allergies or asthma, change it every month. Every homeowner can perform this simple task themselves, but leave the duct cleaning to a professional. By scheduling professional duct cleaning, you’ll lower energy bills, prevent repairs and maximize your system’s lifespan.

Improve Indoor Air Quality

While saving money is always welcome, it’s not as important as protecting your health. Consider this: Your HVAC system is your home’s lungs, drawing air in from outside and breathing conditioned air out into your home. Throughout this process, contaminants such as dust, dander and chemicals can re-circulate in your home up to seven times per day. Over time, this re-circulation causes the contaminants to collect in your ductwork and cause poor indoor air quality.

Prevent Pest Infestations

There are plenty of pests that call Denver, North Carolina, home, including cockroaches and rodents. As with any other area of your home, dirty ducts attract these pests and precipitate infestations. When you invest in professional duct cleaning regularly, a service technician will make sure your air ducts aren’t a breeding ground for pest infestations.

If you’re ready to invest in professional duct cleaning this spring, contact Lakeside Heating & Air Conditioning today at (704) 285-1070 to schedule an appointment. We look forward to helping you live a healthier life in your home.

Image provided by Thinkstock

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