Keeping Combustion Pollutants Out of Your Home

Poor indoor air quality in Denver, NC can negatively impact the health of you and your family. Pinpointing the source of pollutants and taking steps to eliminate them from your home is the best way to improve indoor air quality and prevent your family from experiencing the negative consequences of dirty air.

What Are Combustion Pollutants?

Combustion pollutants are created when fuels are burned. One of the most common sources of this type of pollution is the operation of motor vehicles.

These pollutants can also be created inside your own home. Fireplaces, wood stoves, and space heaters are all sources of pollution that are commonly used as the weather gets cooler. Throughout the year, using a gas stove can create indoor air pollution.

Eliminating Combustion Pollutants from Your Home

While you may believe that combustion pollutants are primarily an outdoor problem, the fact is that outdoor air pollution often contaminates buildings when windows and doors are left open. Once pollutants enter a building they reduce indoor air quality as they are circulated throughout the building. Indoor sources of combustion pollutants exacerbate the problem.

Fortunately, there are ways to improve indoor air quality by eliminating combustion pollutants from your home. When you are cooking on a gas stove be sure to use the exhaust fan to improve ventilation. The EPA highlights the importance of keeping sources of indoor air pollution properly maintained to reduce emissions.

If you would like to improve the air quality in your home even more, investing in a whole-home air filter or cleaner can help you achieve your goal. These systems work with your heating and cooling system to trap and eliminate dirt, debris, and airborne pollutants from the air as it is being conditioned.

For more information about keeping your home free from combustion pollutants, check out Lakeside Heating & Air Conditioning’s indoor air quality solutions or call (704) 285-1070.

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