Issues with Your Indoor Air Quality?
Your Charlotte, NC home’s air can easily become a breeding ground for a wide range of contaminants that not only compromise breathing but also actually endanger your family’s health. Airborne allergens threaten those suffering from asthma and other respiratory conditions. Bacteria, viruses, and other microbes are capable of causing a multitude of different indoor air quality issues.
Your home can harbor many microorganisms that you and your family would be much better off without. So, what can you do to protect your family’s health from the microbes that contaminate the air inside your home? An air purifier can help you effectively address these issues.
Removing Pollutants from Your Home’s Air
Your air purifier can remove a wide variety of irritating or harmful allergens from the breathing zone inside your home, improving indoor air quality and keeping your family healthier. These substances, which can trigger allergies or asthma attacks, include the following:
- Dust and dust mites
- Pet dander
- Smoke from various sources
- Pollen
- Harmful chemicals from household products
- Volatile organic compounds (VOCs)
Killing Airborne Germs
Today’s air purifiers are designed to not only capture but also kill a long list of germs that can seriously compromise your family’s health. These include bacteria, viruses and a host of other microorganisms that are harmful to health. A few examples of the germs that modern air purification systems are capable of removing from the air your family breathes follow:
- Common cold virus
- Human influenza virus
- Avian influenza virus
- Measles (rubeola) virus
- Streptococcus bacteria
- Staphylococcus aureas bacteria
Airborne Pollutants Are Abundant Indoors
While microbes can often be found on household surfaces as well, they generally don’t live very long. These organisms can be easily combatted by good handwashing practices and consistent disinfecting of doorknobs and other household surfaces like sinks and kitchen counters. For more information call Lakeside Heating & Air Conditioning today at (704) 285-1070 or visit our website.
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