How to Remove Particulate Matter from Your Home’s Air

If you’re like most people, you spend up to 90% of your time indoors. Most of that time is in your Denver, NC home. Particulate matter in your home’s air could be contributing to poor indoor air quality. This not only affects your heating and cooling system, but it also affects your health and well-being. Read on to learn about three ways to remove particulate matter from your home’s air.

Upgrade Your Air Filter

According to the Environmental Protection Agency, an air filter with a minimum efficiency reported value (MERV) rating of at least 13 will capture many of the small particles that are cause for great concern. These are particles measuring 2.5 microns in size which can get trapped in the lungs and cause breathing problems. Most furnaces, heat pumps, and air conditioners can accommodate filters with a MERV rating of 13 or higher.

Install a Whole-home Air Cleaner

A whole-home air cleaner cleans all the air in your home and is installed to work directly with your central heating and air conditioning system. Many of these systems use electrostatic filters to capture particulate matter from the air. Other kinds of whole-home air cleaners use a UV-C lamp. Such lamps may be built into the air handler or the ducts. The UV-C light shines onto the heating and cooling system’s coils and ducts to inactivate bacteria and allergens.

Increase Ventilation with a Whole-Home Ventilator

Removing more of your home’s air and replacing it with fresh outdoor air also helps remove particulate matter. The best way to achieve this is to have a mechanical ventilator professionally installed. If you’re in the market for a new HVAC system, a heat pump or furnace with a variable-speed motor offers longer heating and cooling cycles. These motors operate at the lowest necessary speed for a longer period of time. This results in improved air filtration.

For more information about removing particulate matter from your home’s air, take a look at Lakeside Heating & Air Conditioning ‘s advanced air cleaner solutions, or contact us today for additional details.

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