How Much Would You Benefit from an Air Purifier?
Having a tightly sealed home is synonymous with energy efficiency. However, it can also cause poor indoor air quality. If a professional were to test your indoor air quality, you might be shocked to see how poor it really is. Thankfully, using an air purifier to clean your Charlotte, NC home’s air can be an extremely effective solution.
Make Your Air Healthier
One of the most attractive benefits of using an air purifier is that some models help to reduce airborne pathogens. Many of these products use carbon filters or UV light while others use ionization. These air quality devices offer a variety of ways to remove harmful impurities that a traditional filter might miss.
Make Your Home Easier to Clean
Another benefit is that most air purifiers remove dust, pet dander, and other pollutants from your air. Along with making the air healthier to breathe, a whole-home purifier can help reduce the buildup of dust around your home. If you have one installed in your HVAC system, it can help you keep your home clean and happy. Of course, you’ll need to have your HVAC system and purifier properly maintained for them to do their jobs effectively.
Reduce Foul Odors
Oftentimes, the particles that float around in your air can cause unpleasant odors. Since many models of air purifiers remove these particles, they also help to remove the odors. If your home ever smells strongly of your pets or the food that you cook, a purifier can help prevent these odors from lingering.
Lakeside Heating & Air Conditioning Can Improve Your Indoor Air Quality
Indoor air quality isn’t something that you want to take lightly. At Lakeside Heating & Air Conditioning, we can test your indoor air quality and offer effective air quality solutions. Reach out to our friendly staff members today to learn more about our indoor air quality products and services in North Carolina.
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