Household Products that Lower Indoor Air Quality

Are you worried about your indoor air quality? The concentration of pollutants inside your home may be up to five times that of the air outdoors. Most of us spend more time breathing that indoor air than we do outdoor air. A whole-home air purification system can eliminate many of those pollutants. However, changing the household products you use can help as well.

Now is the time to make a few changes to your shopping list in order to breathe cleaner air inside your Denver, NC home. Start by finding alternatives for the following products known to contaminate the air.


Pest control is necessary for many homes and businesses in North Carolina. However, you should think twice before spraying the insecticides sold in many stores. These products contain harsh chemicals that can and lead to respiratory problems and other issues.

You can find organic and all-natural insecticides online and in some stores. Keeping your home clean and not leaving food out can help as well.

Air Fresheners

Air freshener sprays may smell great, but they spray your air with toxic chemicals. Essential oils and diffusers are healthier alternatives when high-quality, pure oils are used.

Nonstick Cookware

It may seem odd to see nonstick cookware on a list of potentially dangerous household products, but the material used to coat the inside of some pans can be toxic. Pans coated with polytetrafluoroethylene, otherwise known as PTFE, will make cooking easier while polluting your indoor air with gasses that may cause cancer and other health problems.

Take a moment to learn more about professional HVAC services that can help improve your indoor air quality, or call us at (704) 285-1070.

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