Ductless HVAC is Ideal for Homes with Unique Layouts
Custom-built homes and homes with unusual layouts can present added challenges when planning your HVAC installation. Ductless HVAC systems can address these issues and can provide some real benefits for your home in Cornelius, NC.
Ductless Systems Are Easy to Install
While you will still need professional installation services, ductless systems are typically much easier to install than ducted solutions. Easy installation and minimal architectural footprints are among the most commonly cited reasons to choose ductless HVAC. The smaller size of ductless systems can be especially important in custom homes that have unusual layouts or smaller room sizes.
Going Ductless Can Save Energy
ENERGY STAR recommends ductless systems for improving energy efficiency and achieving lower energy bills. By choosing a ductless system to supplement your heating and air conditioning system or as a stand-alone solution, you can keep your utility bills lower while enjoying individualized comfort in every room of your home. You can even create energy-efficient comfort zones that allow custom control over temperatures in areas throughout your residence.
Ductless HVAC Systems Can Reduce Dust and Particulates
Managing your indoor air quality can be easier when ducts are removed from the equation. Dust and particulates can collect in ductwork and can eventually pass into indoor air, which can cause serious issues for those with respiratory problems or allergies. Ductless HVAC eliminates the ducts and the dust that can accumulate there, improving the quality of indoor air for you and your entire family.
At Lakeside Heating & Air Conditioning, we offer a full lineup of HVAC services designed to help you enjoy the highest degree of comfort inside your home in Cornelius and the Greater Lake Monroe area. If you would like to learn more about our ductless HVAC systems and how they can help you, give us a call today. We are here to help you achieve reliable comfort now and in the future.
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