6 Benefits Of A Geothermal Heating And Cooling System in Your Newton Home

Geothermal systems use the energy from the sun that has been absorbed through the soil to efficiently heat and cool homes in Newton, NC. They are an energy efficient alternative to traditional systems that use a furnace or other energy source. Below is a list of the benefits of using a geothermal system in our Newton, NC home.

1. Cost And Energy Efficient Operation

A geothermal system delivers a 400% efficiency rating while a gas furnace, even the most efficient, has an efficiency rating of 94%. This is because geothermal systems don’t use energy to create heat, they transfer already existing heat.

2. Noiseless Operation

With a geothermal system there is no outdoor unit, so no noise as the compressor kicks in. A geothermal unit will have a smooth and quiet operation, much like a refrigerator.

3. Impact On The Environment

Geothermal systems have been recognized by the EPA and the U.S. Department of Energy as an environmentally viable ways to heat and cool a house. A geothermal system doesn’t contribute to air pollution by emitting carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, or other greenhouse gases. Additionally, the low electricity required helps reduce electricity demand.

4. Safe, Renewable, And Clean

If you install a geothermal HVAC system in your Newton, NC home, it will not require combustion to generate energy, therefore there is no risk of carbon monoxide poisoning. And with added high efficiency air cleaners, they help reach and maintain a high indoor air quality level.

5. Cost During The Life Cycle

Geothermal systems usually last for 15 years or more, compared to a typical furnace that will last 7-10 years. The ground loop (underground pipes) has a warranty of 50 years.

6. Initial Cost vs Savings Over Time

Although a geothermal system is a significant investment, the energy savings more than offsets the cost over a short period of time. The system will produce an energy savings which will eventually equal and exceed the cost of system installation.

Bottom line? A geothermal HVAC system can help you reduce your Newton, NC heat bill, save on preventative maintenance, and reduce your carbon footprint by saving more energy.

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